GENBAND Employees Step Up Again – Making Real-Time Connections Possible For Those in Need!

May 17th, 2017
Robin Wright, EVP HR & Corporate Operations, GENBAD

With our company’s annual Global Day of Service  fast approaching on June 1st, I was recently reminded of what a unique privilege I have - being a part of such a giving and caring group of professionals. I’m not just paying lip service when I say GENBAND employees are truly special in so many ways. Each year GENBAND team members volunteer thousands of hours working at local charities and non-profit organizations that are most near and dear to them. As we close in on our Global Day of Service or GENBAND Day I wanted cite just one of many examples of how on a daily basis, our employees give back to their communities and to others who may be a little less fortunate.

A few weeks ago, we teamed up with ID Consulting, a Mexico-based organization who works with local communities to assist the needy and contribute to a more sustainable environment. Working with ID Consulting, a group of our employees were able to support a local village that had no access to internet and was literally unable to connect with the outside world. We donated funds to install an antenna and provide Wi-Fi throughout the village.


We also spent a day with the children of the village. To make our visit and time spent with the children extra special, we supplied them with gifts consisting of books to help them learn about the environment and other topics of interests. Books are a scarce resource in this community and it meant a great deal to the children.


I along with the other GENBAND team members who participated in the event had such a great time with the children of the village and based on their reaction I think they thoroughly enjoyed it too. It was such an awesome feeling to see the smiles on their faces and to listen to how appreciative they were.

Sustainability is also an integral part of our DNA at GENBAND. I am happy to report that our efforts in working with ID Consulting helped address a majority of their sustainable developments goals including helping to improve innovation and infrastructure, helping to build out sustainable cities and communities, helping to protect the planet and contributing to quality education. In addition to helping to reduce carbon emissions, GENBAND employees’ efforts also benefited more than 1,200 local residents and have long term benefits to seven local communities.

Genband Day

My objective isn’t to brag about all of the great things that we are doing in the communities that we live in, but I do think it is important to bring attention to what a terrific group of people I get to work with on a daily basis and their unparalleled kindness. Again, I am privileged to be a part of such a great organization and am looking forward to participating in this year’s Global Day of Service.

Check out the photos of the great time we had with the children. It truly was an awesome experience.